Thursday, June 5, 2014

Quinn 2 Months

Quinn turned 2 months this week
She is starting to show more of her cute little personality, which we love!

Stats from checkup:
Height: 21.26 inches
Weight: 10 lb 13 oz
Head: 39 cm

Some new talents are...
1. Smiling a lot
2. Cooing
3. Doing kick offs during tummy time
4. Sucking her hand
5. Sleeping 4 hours between feedings at night
6. Has outgrown her newborn clothes
7. Can roll onto her side 
8. Sleeping better on her back
9. Started wearing her 0-3 month clothes
10. Enjoys bath time with her sister

Give me a hug!

This little lady loves to be held and on the move.  
She hates to lay or sit down.  She's been spending most of her time in her baby carriers while I get work down or run around after E.

Happy 2nd Month B-Day Quinn Quinn