Saturday, June 30, 2012


We're having a very exciting summer!  
To start our summer off we celebrated graduation from dental school.  
It was so nice to have family out to celebrate this special day with us.
 Luckily we changed seats and were able to see Brady as he walked out.

 Coming on stage to get hooded

 It's official...

 Dr. Maxfield D.D.S

 Eden waiting anxiously to congratulate her dad:) 

Us and my dad

Brady & his parents

 Family Pics

 I'm so proud of you!!!

 The Gang
We're going to miss you guys!!!

Jon B, Brady, Jason, Jon H

 Taisja, Diana, Kristine, Rischel

 After graduation we went to lunch with Brady's parents down by the pier. 

Thank you to all of our family for all the graduation wishes and support.  
Love you!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

6 Months

Eden turned six months yesterday.  
This little girl is a MOVER and TALKER!!!
She is learning and growing so much each day.  We can't believe she's already so big.

Eden had her six month check up yesterday.  
She is a healthy:
Weight: 14 pounds 10.9 ounces
Height: 26 inches
Head Size: 42.4 cm

Some of her new talents are:
1. Rolling over both ways   
2. Sitting up (she has pretty good balance)
3. Pushes her body up when on tummy (very close to crawling)
4. Gets very distracted when eating
5. Babbles while eating
6. Starting to stand up while holding onto something
7. LOVES walking up the stairs with mom or dad
8. Likes to tease Lilly and pull her hair (Lilly's not to fond of this one)
9. Finally grabbed her mobile toys in her swing (almost broke the motor)  We raised them:)
10. Sleeping and average of 4 to 5 hours at night with 2 feedings!
Finally some sleep:)

New this month will be eating solids!  She's very excited:)